
Please note: We do not repair POOL / Water / Thermal Solar

Why Preventative Care for Solar Systems Matters.

Cleaning – a simple effective way to keep your solar panels energy efficient.
Solar panels are becoming more common place now on new build properties and more and more home and business owners are investing in energy saving products. Since solar panels create energy from the light source of the sun anything that restricts the light energy getting to your panels will in greatly reduce the energy output from them. Therefore, it is very important for the solar panels to be kept clean and free of dust, airborne pollutants, grime and bird mess. This will ensure that your solar panels are operating efficiently.

Regular solar panel cleaning maximizes its performance and enhances your payback. It’s a simple fact that clean solar panels generate more energy. Most people think hard about the “Return on Investment” (RoI) when choosing solar and the efficiency of the panel and system is a major factor contributing to the payback. If your panels are not kept clean and therefore not working to their designed efficiency then the energy generated will be substantially lower than planned and you will be wasting that wonderful sunlight which could be generating good clean energy and a faster return of the installation cost.

In addition cleaning and regular maintenance will extend the useful life of your solar system. All Photovoltaic panel manufacturers suggest regular panel cleaning because dirty panels run hotter, this makes the system work harder and cut short the expected life of the panel. So, to preserve your investment, it makes sense to conduct regular cleaning and maintenance just like you do for your car or other complex system.

Prevent Pigeon Problems

Roof mounted panels provide a perfect spot for roosting or nesting birds and animals. This can spell disaster for your solar system. Mess from the birds and damage to cables, wiring and the panels themselves can reduce your system performance. You may not notice immediately but eventually you may get a system failure and need more costly repairs. This can be prevented with a simple inexpensive installation of wire mesh netting around your solar panels. For more information & pricing give us a call.

Using a professional makes sense

Rain alone will not clean your panels, just as rain alone will not clean your car. Professional cleaning of your solar panels ensures that they will function at their most optimum level of performance. Solar eMD offers you a professionally run fully licensed & bonded organization. There are two main reasons for keeping your solar panels clean:
1. Solar Panel Manufactures require your panel to be clean to keep warranties valid.

2. Power Efficiency drops up to 40% with dust, grime and bird droppings.

Don’t put yourself or your property in jeopardy by hiring inexperienced window cleaners that have no liability or workers comp insurance. Solar eMD offers safe and reliable solar panel cleaning.
Our employees only use OSHA compliant equipment including all safety equipment such as full body harness’s & safety ropes when required as well as electrician’s protector gloves to reduce the risk of electric shock in the event they come across a broken or damaged panel. All of our service personal are certified and covered by Workers Compensation Insurance.

When efficiency matters, Solar eMD offers you a safe & cost effective way to ensure that your solar panels are functioning at the most optimum level of performance.
Every solar panel installation is unique and varies with levels of complexity. Solar-eMD offers a reliable cleaning service with a regular schedule ensuring that the benefits of your investment will be fully realized.

We love to clean panels—and we’re good at it. We have all the equipment, including a special de-ionizing water system that makes sure there are no spots or mineral deposits left on your panels after a cleaning. You can be sure we will do it right the first time!

(Call us now for a free quote: 408-849-2532)

Commercial Or Domestic Usage
Regardless of whether you have a domestic or commercial property we are able to offer our Solar Panel cleaning service to you. Please continue to read the other sections on this webpage to see how we can provide the Solar Panel Cleaning service to you.